Tuesday, March 31, 2009


For the record, I am not a Capitals Fan. Ryan may or may not even like hockey. As such, we are not using this site to do the following:

1) Promote the Capitals as the best team in hockey (Although it will discuss the Capitals quite often)
2) Promote Ovechkin as the best player in the NHL (Although he may very well be)
3) Advance the idea that Ovechkin is better then Crosby, or vice-vera (Don't get me started)

In short, this in not a website devoted towards an endless debate over who or what is the best.
This is a website devoted to the hypothetical possibility that Ovechkin could some day wind up with 895 goals and to track his progress towards that. Please, do not inundate us with posts saying things like "Ovechkin sucks! Crosby rules." We will not respond to those posts.

However, please weigh in with legitimate thoughts on whether or not you believe Ovechkin has a shot at the record. Arguments backed up with statistics always help.

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